Castles of Transylvania in 7 days
*in english you can see it at the end of this page
Cele mai frumoase castele din Transilvania in 7 zile
Acest tur “Cele mai frumoase castele din Transilvania in 7 zile” iti va oferi o vacanta relaxanta in fermecata Transilvanie. In cadrul turului vei descoperi legendele zonei, ii vei afla misterele si ii vei auzi povestile. Orase medievale si castele de basm ti se vor dezvalui unul cate unul. Bucataria locala iti va incanta papilele gustative si frumoasele peisaje te vor uimi. Vei descoperi pe rand toate comorile Transilvaniei in acest tur de 7 zile. Daca esti pasionat de istoria medievala sau doar vrei sa explorezi frumusetile Romaniei, aceasta excursie este o alegere excelenta!
Ziua 1: Exploreaza Bucurestiul magnific!
Transfer privat de la aeroport:
Soferul/ ghidul nostru te va intampina la aeroport pentru a-ti ura “Bun venit” in Romania. Pentru a-l recunoaste usor, va avea o hartie cu numele tau. Te va transfera apoi la hotel. Pregates-te pentru o vacanta minunata!
Tur panoramic in Bucuresti: Bucura-te de principalele atractii ale Bucurestiului in cadrul unui tur panoramic care te va duce pe la Arcul de triumf, pe Calea Victoriei, pe la Ateneul Roman, prin principalele piete din oras si prin fata celor mai importante cladiri.
Centrul vechi din Bucuresti: Cea mai veche zona din oras, centrul vechi al Bucurestiului, este un loc cu cladiri de demult si strazi inguste, dar foarte modern, cu restaurante si puburi pregatite in fiecare seara de petrecere. Descopera-l intr-o plimbare linistita.
Ziua 2: Descopera Sibiul medieval
Este timpul sa lasi Bucurestiul in urma si sa te indrepti spre unul dintre principalele orase din Transilvania: Sibiu.
Sibiu: Astazi, Sibiul este considerat un adevarat centrul cultural si turistic in Romania. Este extrem de atragator pentru vizitatori datorita farmecului sau medieval, a frumusetilor care il inconjoara, a gastronomiei si traditiilor locale si a cadrului natural in care este localizat. Bucura-te de o plimbare lunga pe la cele mai importante obiective turistice (sistemul de fortificatii, centrul vechi, bisericile istorice) .
Ziua 3: viziteaza cel mai frumos castel din Transilvania
Alba Iulia: Alba Carolina este una dintre cele mai spectaculoase cetati din Romania fiind si cea mai mare dintre ele. Este construita in Alba Iulia, sub forma de stea.
Castelul Corvinilor: Cel mai frumos castel construit in stil gotic din Romania, Castelul Corvinilor, a fost ridicat de familia de Anjou pe locul unei foste tabere romane. Castelul a fost folosit ca fortareata pana la mijlocul secolului 14 cand a devenit resedinta conducatorului Transilvaniei la acea vreme: Iancu de Hunedoara. Acesta a renovat fortareata transformand-o intr-o bijuterie de castel.
Ziua 4: Cetati si cavaleri
Excursie de o zi la Sighisoara: Descopera partea medievala a Transilvaniei si viziteaza bisericile fortificate si frumoasa cetate Sighisoara.
Biserica fortificata Biertan: Inconjurata de stradute vechi si vita de vie, biserica fortificata de la Biertan construita in secolul 15 este asezata pe un deal inalt chiar in mijlocul satului.
Sighisoara: Transilvania gazduieste de asemenea splendida cetate medievala Sighisoara, o bijuterie medieval de secol 15 cu 9 turnuri inalte, pasaje stramte si strazi pietruite, case masive si biserici frumos decorate. Aflata in patrimoniul UNESCO, Sighisoara este cunoscuta ca fiind locul de nastere al lui Vlad Tepes, cel care a inspirat personajul contelui Dracula.
Ziua 5: Brasov – frumusetea Transilvaniei
Cetatea Fagaras: Construita in 1310 pe locul unei foste cetati de lemn din secolul 12 (arsa de tatari in 1241), cetatea Fagaras a fost renovata intre secolele 15 si 17 fiind considerata pe atunci una dintre cele mai puternice fortificatii din Transilvania. Descopera misterele acestui loc.
Brasov: Situat in inima Romaniei, Brasov a fost dintotdeauna un rasfatat al istoriei. Datorita pozitiei geografice si a conexiunilor directe cu Moldova si Valahia, Brasov a avut o crestere economica accelerata, devenind unul dintre cele mai importante centre din Transilvania. Viziteaza cateva din atractiile principale ale orasului (Biserica neagra, cea mai mare biserica gotica la Est de Viena, Piata Sfatului si fortificatiile orasului datand din secolul 14).
Ziua 6: Frumuseti medievale: castelele din Transylvania
Castelul Bran, cunoscut ca fiind castelul contelui Dracula, este situat intre muntii Bucegi si Piatra Craiului, intr-o locatie splendida, chiar la intrarea in culoarul Rucar-Bran.
Castelul Peles: Construit la poalele muntilor Bucegi in pitoreasca statiune Sinaia, castelul Peles este o capodopera a arhitecturii germane, fiind considerat unul dintre cele mai frumoase castele din Europa. Viziteaza cateva dintre cele 160 de incaperi ale sale decorate cu exemplare de arta europeana, candelabre din sticla de Murano, ferestre cu vitralii concepute in Germania si pereti acoperiti cu piele de Cordoba.
Ziua 7: Inapoi in lumea reala!
Transfer privat la aeroport
Este greu sa-ti iei la revedere, dar este minunat cand poti sa o faci cu inima plina de amintiri! Este timpul sa lasi Romania in urma asa ca soferul/ghidul nostru iti va asigura transferul la aeroport. Este necesar sa fii acolo cu 2 ore inainte de zbor, dar nu uita ca oricand esti binevenit inapoi!
Servicii incluse:
Transport, Carburant, Parcari, Ghid privat in toate zilele, Cazare in camera dubla, Mic dejun, Intrari, Asistenta turistica pe toata durata turului, Taxa si TVA.
Turul nu include: Alte mese (pranz, cina si gustari) si Asigurare medicala
Pret de la 790€ pe persoana
Standard: 990€ (2 pers) | 900€ (4 pers) | 790€ (de la 6 pers)
Comfort: 1,100€ (2 pers) | 990€ (4 pers) | 870€ (de la 6 pers)
Luxury: 1,550€ (2 pers) | 1,400€ (4 pers) | 1,300€ (de la 6 pers)
Discount 10%, cod: #RePatriotFT
Contact rezervări: Florin Preda,,, +40756536779
>> english <<<
Castles of Transylvania in 7 days
Castles of Transylvania in 7 days offers you a relaxing holiday in the enchanting land of Transylvania. You will discover the countries’ legends, explore its mysteries and hear its stories. Medieval cities and fairy tale castles and fortresses will unveil themselves in front of you. The local cuisine will charm your taste buds. Beautiful landscapes will amaze you. All the treasures of Transylvania will be discovered one by one during this 7 days private tour! If you are into Medieval history or you just want to explore the beauty of Romania, this is the perfect journey for you!
Day by day
Day 1: Bucharest
Private transfer from the Airport: Our guide/driver will pick you up at the airport and welcome you to Romania. He will have a paper with your name on it so it will be easy to recognize him. He will transfer you to your hotel. Be prepared for a wonderful holiday!
Bucharest tour by car: Enjoy the main landmarks of Bucharest in a sightseeing tour that will take you to Triumph Arch, Calea Victoriei, Romanian Atheneum, important buildings in Bucharest and its main squares.
Bucharest old town: The old town of Bucharest is a historical place with old buildings and narrow streets, but very modern, with restaurants and pubs ready for party. Discover it in a a slow walk.
Days 2-4: Bucharest Sibiu Alba Iulia Hunedoara Sighisoara
Bucharest to Sibiu: Leave Bucharest behind and head to one of the most important cities in Transylvania, Sibiu.
Sibiu: Nowadays, Sibiu presents itself as a true cultural and touristic capital of Romania, appealing to the tourists due to its medieval charm, due to the wonderful beauties of its surroundings, its local gastronomy and traditions and due to its charming natural landscape. Enjoy some of the city’s highlights (the fortification system, the old city center and the historical churches) in a long walk.
Alba Iulia citadel: One of the most spectacular fortresses is Alba Carolina – the largest citadel in Romania, located in the city of Alba Iulia, a star-shaped citadel.
Corvinilor castle: The greatest Gothic-style castle in Romania, Corvin was built by the Anjou family on the site of a former Roman camp. The castle served as a fortress until the mid-14th century when it became the residence of Transylvania’s ruler, Iancu de Hunedoara. Iancu upgraded the fortress transforming it into the most stunning castle in Transylvania.
Day trip to Sighisoara: Discover the medieval part of Transylvania and see the fortified churches and the beautiful citadel of Sighisoara.
Biertan fortified church: Surrounded by quaint streets and vineyards, the 15th century fortified church at Biertan is perched high on a hill in the middle of the village.
Sighisoara: Transylvania is also home to the exquisite medieval town of Sighisoara, a perfectly intact 15th century gem with nine towers, narrow passageways and cobbled streets, burgher houses and ornate churches. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Sighisoara is also the birthplace of Vlad the Impaler (Vlad Tepes), known as Dracula.
Day 5: Fagaras Brasov
Fagaras citadel: Built in 1310 on the site of a former 12th century wooden fortress (burned by the Tartars in 1241), Fagaras was enlarged between the 15th and 17th centuries and was considered one of the strongest fortifications in Transylvania. Discover the misteries hidden in this fortress.
Brasov: Situated in the heart of Romania, the city of Brasov benefits from the influence of an ancient history. Thanks to its geographical position and the good connections to Moldavia and Valachia, Brasov will grow economically fast, becoming one of the most important centres of Transylvania.
Visit some of the city’s hightlights (the Black church, the largest Gothic church east of Vienna,, the Town Council Square and the city’s 14th Century fortifications.
Days 6-7: Bran Sinaia Brasov Bucharest
Bran castle: Bran castle, also known as Dracula’s Castle, is situated between Bucegi and Piatra Craiului Mountains, in an enchanted scenery, right where you enter Rucar-Bran Pass.
Explore its old interior and enjoy the beautiful landscape that surrounds it.
Peles castle: Nestled at the foot of the Bucegi Mountains in the picturesque town of Sinaia, Peles Castle is a masterpiece of German new-Renaissance architecture, considered by many one of the most stunning castles in Europe. Visit some of Its 160 rooms adorned with the finest examples of European art, Murano crystal chandeliers, German stained-glass windows and Cordoba leather-covered walls.
Brasov to Bucharest: On the way from Brasov to Bucharest stop and visit the most known attractions on this road.
Private transfer to the Airport: It is hard to say good-bye, but it is great when you do it with your heart full of memories! It’s time to leave Romania behind so our guide/driver will pick you up from your hotel and take you to the airport. Be there with minimum 2 hours before your flight and don’t forget that you are always welcome to come back!
Included & Excluded
This trip includes the following: Transport, Fuel, Parking fees, Private guide, Accommodation in double room, Breakfast, Entrance fees, Assistance during the entire tour, VAT and taxes
This trip exludes the following: Other meals (lunch, dinner and snacks) or Medical insurance.
Price from € 790 per person
Standard: € 990 (2 persons) | €900 (4 persons) | €790 (from 6 persons)
Comfort: €1,100 (2 persons) | €990 (4 persons) | €870 (from 6 persons)
Luxury: €1,550 (2 persons) | €1,400 (4 persons) | €1,300 (from 6 persons)
10% discount, code: #RePatriotFT
Booking contact: Florin Preda,,, +40756536779